
Fall Fun!

Friday, November 20, 2020 by Lisa Flood | Parent Participation Week

We've been having fun this Fall!

Autumn 2020

This year is off to a great start and I'm excited to share some highlights from our Fall Semester with you!

Sonatina Recital

On October 10th, summer students performed the sonatinas they learned and put on a lovely program! Not only did students perform for the distanced studio audience, but a large live-stream audience as well! Way to go, students!

Parent Participation Week

We had another fun week with parents joining us for lessons! I thoroughly enjoy this studio tradition and hope all the parents do, too. The students gain confidence as they perform for and teach music concepts to their parent. It's so fun to watch!

Learning about intervals in 'Dozy Dragon":

Teaching his mom how to play a scale:

FSMTA Composer Recital

I'm so proud of this gal for participating in the Florida State Music Teachers Association's Composer Recital that was part of the State Convention. Students submitted a video of themselves playing a piece by Wendy Stevens and only a few were chosen to be displayed on the state website's online recital page!

Reading her personal letter from composer Wendy Stevens:

Happy Thanksgiving!