Tuesday, October 23, 2018 by Lisa Barwell | Practicing
A Focus on Practice
September 2018
This year we are focused on effective practice; not just turning the timer to 20 minutes, mindlessly playing until it dings, and then saying, "Done!" We're more interested in using our time wisely and making the most of it. To this end, we did a few fun things to give our practice for the year a kick-start.
Our first group class of the year gave us the opportunity to get crafty! We fashioned a couple of handy practice tools that will help students in their home practice time.
Some students made practice cups and others made practice pegs. Practice cups are a hands-on tool that utilizes different practice techniques written on popsicle sticks. Students pull several from their cup for each piece they practice, use the ideas written there, and end up having a much more effective practice time. Practice pegs are a helpful tool geared to the younger students and are a fun way to help them keep track of how many days they've played their piece during the week. I'm especially excited about using the turkeys for Thanksgiving and our Christmas set in a few months!
These tools are fun and useful, but it helps if students get an 'oomph' to get going! We joined a nationwide practice incentive called Fall into Music which encouraged students and families to practice for 20 days during the month of September.
This incentive was especially fun for those whose families joined them! Moms, Dads, and siblings also worked toward their goals which included 'sweeping the house' and 'cleaning my room.'
8 students achieved their 20 day practice goal and received a certificate of achievement as well as a sweet reward. What a great start to our practicing for the year! #FallintoMusic
Students and parents, log in to see your calendar and to easily connect to your online lesson.
-Miss Lisa