Monday, May 31, 2021 by Lisa Barwell | Student Achievements
Ending the Year with a Bang!
May 2021
This past year (2020-2021) at Lily Music Studio was full of celebration! We not only celebrated student accomplishments but also celebrated the studio's 15th birthday!
At the end of the school year, it was such fun to be able to gather safely at a local park here in Jacksonville, FL to celebrate together!
Students and parents received their end-of-year gift which includes a personalized video celebrating their past year of piano or flute lessons. 12th grade students received a special graduation gift.
Another highlight of our time together was getting to present Federation Festival and Sonatina Festival awards to the students. We love to celebrate our achievements!
Here's to a fabulous year behind and an exciting future ahead!
Friday, February 26, 2021 by Lisa Barwell | Student Achievements
Hard Work = Big Achievements
Spring 2021
Since January, students have participated in two group classes, a recital, a music festival, and lots and lots of piano and flute playing. These things are worth celebrating! Our students are amazing - just look below for a few examples.
Playing in the Winter Recital
Students performed beautifully in their online 'Celebration!' recital released on February 20 via YouTube. I'm so proud of them for preparing and executing such a great program!
Participating in Federation Festival
So proud of these 18 students who have been working hard to prepare their music and pass their theory tests for our February Festival! Well done, students!
Achieving Goals
Congratulations to our first students to complete 30 pieces this school year!
Congratulations to these kiddos for being the first to earn their Johannes Brahms composer cards!
Remember to take time to celebrate ALL the moments; big or small. Have a happy spring!
Tuesday, June 2, 2020 by Lisa Barwell | Student Achievements
End-of-Year Wrap-Up
June 2020
This year has been full of fun and success! It ended rather strangely as we transitioned online due to the pandemic, but everyone adjusted well and continued to make great strides forward in their progress.
Here are a couple of fun end-of-year stats; our students in K5-4th grades practiced a combined total of 831 days and our students in 5th-11th grades completed 433 pieces and donated $43.30 to help Friday Musicale provide scholarships to music students. I'm so proud of our kids!
I’m so proud of our two seniors who performed their senior recitals via livestream during the month of May. Best wishes to both of them as they begin the next stage of their journey!
Congratulations to this student for earning all 6 composer cards this year! Students in K5-4th earn a card for every practice chart that they complete. Each card represents 25 days practiced. Students in 5th grade earn a card for every 10 pieces they learn.
Quite a few students moved up to new books this year! It's always excited to see this visual mark of their progress.
Several students earned Gold Cups from Federation Festival this year. I’m so excited to give them out later this summer! Certificates will also be handed out to all festival participants throughout the summer.
Have an awesome summer!
Students and parents, log in to see your calendar and to easily connect to your online lesson.
-Miss Lisa