
2016-2017: “A Musical Year”

Saturday, March 4, 2017 by Lisa Barwell | Group Classes

Week Twenty-Four


It’s group class week again! Group classes are so much fun and give us a needed break from routine. There were five classes scheduled this week and, because some students were attending Festival and others weren’t, I varied the lesson plans for each class.  This ensured that the Festival participants received the theory review they needed for their upcoming theory test and non-Festival participants focused on reinforcing some concepts they’ve been working on in private lessons.


Last month, students focused on rhythms and note values. This time, students focused on note naming by playing games including “Zoo Food,” “Sugar High,” and “Note Nabber.”



Non-Festival participants enjoyed “Trash to Treasure Composing.” They chose items from a paper bag and used them to create motives (short melodies) to turn into a full composition. Students were creative with using rubber bands, rings, ribbon, and plastic bugs!


After the games, Festival participants performed their prepared pieces for the class. Classmates wrote encouraging, specific comments for the performers. We’re learning to build each other up while constructively listening to music!



Festival participants also had the opportunity to participate in a theory review of music terms and symbols and duet partners were able to use part of the class time to rehearse. Our preparation paid off as everyone made a Superior or Excellent rating for their Festival events! Congratulations, students!